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DRC Half

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DRC Half Empty DRC Half

Post  Jerry Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:51 am

The 35th DRC(Dallas Running Club) Half is no small local event. 2700 finishers this year, 1:06,,1:06,1:07 for the first three places. The race was selected several times before as USATF regional championship and is always 4 weeks before Dallas White Rock marathon as the perfect tune-up. The race also had a name of The Half before to signify its importance in this area. I was in the DRC half the first time and will be running my 5th White Rock.

The goal of the event was to break 1:20 with an eye on sub 1:19. Now you know the result and may think this was aggressive, but I really thought sub 1:20 was conservative, here are why:

History: 1:21:43(6:14 pace) prior PR in March 27th, Rock n’ Roll Dallas Half.


A solid Spring training after and clocked 2:20 800meter and 4:47 1500meter on the track in June.
b. This past Texas summer was horrible, but since July 10 weeks of 50-80, mostly 70+ miles weeks. And they was not as taxing as before.
c. Tempo: in Spring my Tempo was at 6:05-6:20. Chris always enjoyed joking about my laziness in training by pointing out my VO2Max at 10k pace and LT at/over half pace. Guess what now, around 6:00, 6:02,5:59,5:57 and 6:06 was the last one before the half. Of cause if you cared about Jerry, you would’ve already noticed those in the weekly training thread, but that’s a different topic.

3. Weight: 132-135lbs in Rock n’ Roll Half and 127 Friday morning leading to the race. 129 race morning, but if you count the couple of times I went to the potties. J

There were two uncertainties though:

1. Hills: I knew there would be some hills around that area, but had no idea how many and more importantly how much effect they would have. I don’t like hills.

2. Weather: 64 at the start, not ideal, but really not sure about the impact. 64 is cool in Texas standard after all.

I carefully calculated those factors. For example, the weight loss itself would give me minimal 5 seconds per mile advantage over the prior 6:14 PR pace. Then if you count the 3 months Spring training after, 10 weeks in this cycle. 1:20 half is 6:07 pace, only 7 seconds faster. With 5 already in the bag, 1:20 was definitely conservative. No?

Ok, how about throwing in some extra motivation - $50 prize money for master 3rd place. Last year’s time? 1:19:50. Ha!

So I was at the race site almost 2 hours before the start, waiting and enjoying watching people around. With 50 minutes to go, warm-up, one last potty stop, go!

Well, before the elite group pulled away from my sub elite pack. Boom, we hit the ramp up to the highway. No biggie, short. Over the hill, I looked at Garmin, a quarter mile, 5:45. Slowed down, turned on my Sonly MP3, and I started executing the race plan, 6:05 pace to mile 10. I would need a strong kick after to go under 1:19 and should be secure the sub 1:20 even with a little fade. But let’s not worry about that for now. When did Jerry fade in a half marathon anyway?!

In a half, I typically use the first 3 miles to settle in and get into the zone. This time, 1 mile, I was flying in an excellent rhythm.

The group I was with was excellent. From time to time, I had 3-5 runners around, 3-5 right ahead. We were running at high tempo and traded places often, but it was more of following each individual’s own rhythm instead of competing.

The tempo and effort felt was a little high though, but they were supposed to be a little higher as now I targeted better time, right? This group together helped stimulate the excitement. I told myself not to worry. This was exactly the , exactly the environment I enjoyed and always wanted, I would just roll with it.

6:04, 6:05, 6:05 for the first 3 miles.

The 2nd 3 miles is considered as the phase 2 of my half. Typically I felt weak in legs and needed high concentration to maintain the pace. The next 3-4 miles is my phase 3, where I get fresh again and just cruise.

This time? No, I felt fresh, in the zone and was just cruising behind others.

When I looked at Garmin again, well, 6:20. Ha, no wonder I felt fresh. I got in front, but a little too late, hit mile 4 at 6:10. That reminded me to concentrate again and I did 6:02 for mile 5.

Then the trouble came, hills, rolling hills. They might not be big in real hill standard, I pushed to maintain the pace and after a couple, knew it was not a good idea. I didn’t know how many were ahead, but thought it wise to slow down a little while still kept a very good effort.

6:13, 6:11, 6:10 for mile 6, 7 and 8.

49:11 at mile 8, the first time I evaluated from time perspective, 30 seconds behind the plan.

The first 8 miles was best time I ever had in a half. Why? High tempo, accompany and attention. I have never run this hard. I have never traded places with so many different runners. We were not competing, but rather teammates pushing each other. In the meantime, it did give me a feeling of competition. Not really sure how to describe, I knew I just fully enjoyed it and was very high. The attention? We were the few in top 20. We flew through the aid stations. People cheered for us. I really felt like elite. If I were among 100, the feeling would be quite different.

Things started getting hard after mile 8. I still had company, but most of the time 1 or 2. We traded position only occasionally. I was not panic though. Sub 1:19 was gone for sure, I was still around 1:20. I tried to cheer myself up when my MP3 was playing The Black Eye Pea’s “I Gotta Feeling”. I didn’t feel a burst of energy like I expected. I was tired and had 5 miles to go, a little too early to feel excited about tonight. So I just focused on getting to mile 10.

The only good news I realized the hill was over. I recalled a TV comment in 2008 New York Marathon when Brazil’s Gomes Dos Santos was chasing hard Morocco’s Goumri near finish on a downhill: remember Santos is an excellent downhill runner.

I joked to myself: Jerry is an excellent and efficient flatland runner.

6:05, 6:03 for mile 9 and 10.

I didn’t feel the excitement I had in the prior two half, probably because inside I knew I didn’t have a kick left.

I took maybe 3 drinks earlier and one GU. The latter didn’t feel necessary and hurt my stomach a little, but nothing to affect my performance. I started having a very minor dehydration triggered diarrhea kind of feeling. So when I got to the next aid station, I hesitated, hesitated, chose not to take the drink.

I compiled a special playlist with mostly high tempo songs, 4-5 from Michael Jackson. I didn’t hear much most of the time. The next song I remember was Beat It. Always loved the song, never really knew what it meant. This time, I told myself “It” is this daemon of weakness and fear in my body and mind, let me beat it.

6:07 for mile 11.

My legs and feet were not cramping like the end of a marathon or at the edge of cramping when I really kicked hard in the prior two half. I knew I should dig deep to find a kick now, especially when I saw 6:16 pace on Garmin. I couldn’t. My legs were dead or full of lead. I stopped watching the pace and just stared at the runner maybe 30 yards ahead of me. I never gained on him, I never lost either.

I did remember to turn off the MP3 to hear the cheering going into the finish. I heard loud cheering to apparently the woman behind me: Becky, Becky. I looked at the finish line and saw no banner. I knew she was not the winner and I needed not to worry about yielding. In the meantime, I was surprised I would finish at 1:21:06.

6:23, 6:24, 1:04 for mile 12, 13 and finish.

I had no idea, well if I had mood to think I would probably have, that I faded that hard.

I had a hard time right after the finish. I had to take care of some business too. I was happy that meant I did try hard.

I had a good time collecting freebies, various energy drinks and having some food. I was not really hungry.

Mentally I was strong because I stayed and went to check the result as soon as it became available. Over a minute slower, I still won the master 3rd place. Beat That!

I went to a local brewery booth to have a beer. What a horrible tasted, but still I drank it all!

I got a nice reward(I will post later) and signed my name and address under the $50 master 3rd place on a sheet of paper. I turned around to take two reward pictures alone and walked away.

Wait, I asked myself: where is my $50? Are they going to mail to me or what?

I didn’t see the two masters ahead of me getting the check. I saw nobody getting a check.

“Shall I still go back to ask, Jerry?”

“I didn’t see nobody asking.”

“Have some class, just walk, don’t embarrass yourself by going back. “

So I went home.

The End!

Some post race analysis –

I was not disappointed at my time, still a 37 seconds PR, but still puzzled where the time went and why I missed a “conservative” goal by over a minute. Here is the recap:

1. Distance: Garmin showed I ran actually 13.19 miles. As we could never run perfect distance, the 6:05 vs 6:07 2 seconds buffer actually only compensate that.

2. Weather: The Daniels’ formula(http://www.runworks.com/calculator.html) indicated about 30 seconds performance loss at 65 degree. I had perfect weather, like 40-50, in Rock n’ Roll in March.

3. Weight: apparently this is least trustworthy than others. If 2 seconds rule were correct and maybe more as Jim suggested which totally makes sense in my opinion, I would have still come in sub 1:20. Forget about this thing, though I will still keep working on my diet and getting leaner.

4. Course Profile: this is the most interesting one. Look at the data below, though Garmin is not accurate in elevation, the trend is correct as I have run it.

DRC HalfRock n' RollDRC HalfRock n' Roll
SplitTimeTimeElevation GainLossElevation GainLoss
See anything?

If you cared about Jerry, you would've seen it. The last several miles of Rock n' Roll is gentle downhill. No wonder I had that strong kick! How does that help? Well, not this time. Next March, I am going to Rock n' Roll under 1:19!

The Very End!

Thanks for reading!

Last edited by Jerry on Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Jerry Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:54 am

Oh, here are the photos(bib 3297).


Race results:

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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Michele "1L" Keane Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:03 pm

Nice run, Jerry and congrats on the 3rd Place Masters finish! My guess is that they will mail you your well deserved check.
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Joel H Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:54 pm

Nice job Jerry on the PR and the 3rd place Masters! Good luck getting that 1:19 in March.
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Randy E Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:43 pm

Jerry, great job on third place masters. I want to warn you, I soon will be faster than you. Just kidding of course. Great race.
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  John Kilpatrick Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:58 pm

Great job Jerry - you look so determined in your pictures! There was a little bit of a fade at the end, but not much - looks to me like you ran it about perfect! Congrats on being 3rd masters - that is no small achievement.

John Kilpatrick
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Chris M Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:14 pm

Great job, man. You are too hard on yourself. That's a fantastic time and a well run race. I went through the pictures and there's a guy in green pretty close behind you in many of them. But look at that last picture of you crossing the line grooving out to Michael ....the man in green is still there but now he's waaaaay back with the 2nd place woman (Becky) between you and him. Believe me, I would have busted on you if that guy had kicked you down at the end but even with you losing some seconds late, you put him away. 6:11 pace for a half is great - I'm sure impressed!
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Natalie Fri Nov 11, 2011 8:22 am

Nice job Jerry! Take your headphones off for the post-race pictures next time! Wink

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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Matt W Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:50 am

Nice job Jerry. Congrats on the PR and the check. Those are always good things to earn in a race.
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Diego Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:55 am

Hey Jerry, great race, PR and $$$. Whatcha going to buy?

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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Jerry Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:53 am

Natalie wrote:Nice job Jerry! Take your headphones off for the post-race pictures next time! Wink

Ha, I noticed it too. Didn't occur to me to take it off at all, ugly. lol!
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Jerry Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:54 am

Diego wrote:Hey Jerry, great race, PR and $$$. Whatcha going to buy?

Lottery tickets!
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Jerry Fri Nov 11, 2011 10:58 am

Michele "1L" Keane wrote:Nice run, Jerry and congrats on the 3rd Place Masters finish! My guess is that they will mail you your well deserved check.

Have been checking the mail for days now. Razz

Joel H wrote:Nice job Jerry on the PR and the 3rd place Masters! Good luck getting that 1:19 in March.

Will do, Joel!

Randy E wrote:Jerry, great job on third place masters. I want to warn you, I soon will be faster than you. Just kidding of course. Great race.

In an Ironman for sure you are faster.

John Kilpatrick wrote:Great job Jerry - you look so determined in your pictures! There was a little bit of a fade at the end, but not much - looks to me like you ran it about perfect! Congrats on being 3rd masters - that is no small achievement.

Thanks John!

Chris M wrote:Great job, man. You are too hard on yourself. That's a fantastic time and a well run race. I went through the pictures and there's a guy in green pretty close behind you in many of them. But look at that last picture of you crossing the line grooving out to Michael ....the man in green is still there but now he's waaaaay back with the 2nd place woman (Becky) between you and him. Believe me, I would have busted on you if that guy had kicked you down at the end but even with you losing some seconds late, you put him away. 6:11 pace for a half is great - I'm sure impressed!

Michael with a teammate and I traded places a couple of times. Even in the early miles, I felt he was better than me. At later one, I was sure cause I was working, while he was very smooth.

Glad I survived your bust. Heehee!
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Natalie Fri Nov 11, 2011 6:56 pm

Jerry, it cost me $54 to fill my gas tank today and I thought of you and your $50 winnings...

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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  KBFitz Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:54 pm

Excellent race report Jerry! I felt like I was right there with you. (Of course, I wasn't as I'm not as fast as you). Your style is very immediate, very present. It makes for an exciting and enjoyable read. And hey, isn't Gomes Dos Santos your brother? Your performance in The Half bodes well for White Rock. Go git 'em cowboy.
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  fostever Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:06 pm

Nice race Jerry! You have some fast twitch fiber somewhere. We'll have to work on your play list, Black eye peas? Really! ha ha Tell me you didn't really squander your winning on useless Lottery! Great report and time.
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Mark B Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:08 pm

A great report and a great race, Jerry. When you're pushing that hard, it doesn't take much to drift off a goal. Still, you nailed a solid PR, got some podium time (got the check yet?) and got some great conditioning for White Rock. Approval
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Dave P Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:46 am


I do believe the warm temps & difference in the course for the last few miles were a huge factor. Yet, you still got that 3rd place AG finish. Very impressive!
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DRC Half Empty Re: DRC Half

Post  Jerry Wed Nov 16, 2011 12:57 pm

Natalie wrote:Jerry, it cost me $54 to fill my gas tank today and I thought of you and your $50 winnings...

Haven't received it yet. Sad

KBFitz wrote:Excellent race report Jerry! I felt like I was right there with you. (Of course, I wasn't as I'm not as fast as you). Your style is very immediate, very present. It makes for an exciting and enjoyable read. And hey, isn't Gomes Dos Santos your brother? Your performance in The Half bodes well for White Rock. Go git 'em cowboy.

Yes, Santos is my little brother. lol!

fostever wrote:Nice race Jerry! You have some fast twitch fiber somewhere. We'll have to work on your play list, Black eye peas? Really! ha ha Tell me you didn't really squander your winning on useless Lottery! Great report and time.

Yeah, I may have to agree. Now I know better, I will not have music with me next time in this race.

Mark B wrote:A great report and a great race, Jerry. When you're pushing that hard, it doesn't take much to drift off a goal. Still, you nailed a solid PR, got some podium time (got the check yet?) and got some great conditioning for White Rock. DRC Half 424776184

Nope on the check.

Dave P wrote:CONGRATS Jerry!

I do believe the warm temps & difference in the course for the last few miles were a huge factor. Yet, you still got that 3rd place AG finish. Very impressive!

Thanks Dave!
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