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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  nkrichards Thu Apr 25, 2024 6:49 am

ounce wrote:Howdy.

Would a MRI of the hamstring help?  Or some imaging?  Seems like you've done that already.  Or is it that you just have to find that cocklebur on the underside of the saddle?

Regarding the Madras round-em-up and exercise, could you do a couch to fill-in-the-blank program?

Wish I could contribute to the hamstring thing.  I'm sure you have a good running plan that will get you to the line in a not too terribly tired state.  Just pace your training.  11 miles ain't hay nor carrot seedlings.

Enjoy the warm weather.  It will get warmer.  We may have had our last <60 degree morning, this morning.

I'm like you regarding checks.  I never got instructions on how to do a batch of ACH payments.  Sure love them on paydays, though.  But I never liked payments going to a lockbox because the remittance advice somehow doesn't get copied correctly, so you have to call the customer to send the remittance advice to you.  I don't think the day you gain in getting a check deposited is worth the angst of applying the money to the customer's invoices.  If you're that tight on funds, you have to play the float better.
Good questions as usual...

I did have an ultra-sound done last year.  There is/was scar tissue where the hamstring connects to the sit bone on both legs.  The left leg was the worst.  At the time it was the left leg that was most painful.  It is now the right leg.  Siri seems to think that we're addressing that issue and making good progress but thinks there is something else going on as well.  I am making slow progress so while frustrating at times, it is encouraging.

I don't remember how much I've mentioned here before...  Siri noted that I was lacking both strength and mobility when I started with her in December just before my marathon.  She is quite pleased with the progress I've made in those areas and has moved me into more of a maintenance mode so that I have the time and energy to increase running.  She does advise caution when I set goals so that I don't put myself in a position where I feel like I need to push through the pain to accomplish goals and make poor decisions (like starting a marathon last December when I was obviously injured).

In addition, I've visited with Dr. B as my heart/breathing issues are still a factor.  We both agree that based on my description and the stress test I had a couple months back, it's stress related and not heart related.  Oddly enough I feel good when I run.  I struggle when I'm in bed or sitting in my chair.  He's encouraging me to use running as a form of stress relief but advising caution when I set goals.  Does this sound familiar?

I have a phone call scheduled with coach Melissa to talk about appropriate goals and getting me through the year healthy and happy.  I would like to run a marathon this fall before we head to Australia.  Siri and Dr. B are both on board provided it's later in the fall and that I keep my time goals modest...or non-existent.  

Can I run without self-imposed time goals?  I guess we're going to find out.
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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  nkrichards Sat Apr 27, 2024 10:33 am

I planned to wait until after I talked to Coach Melissa on Monday morning before posting an update but since I need to try and at least keep up with Mark and maintain my 5th position on the Top Posters board I decided to post again today.

And I am excited to share the stats from my 10 miler yesterday.  My long runs have been scheduled as easy runs with the goal to just get the distance in and build base but this week Melissa encouraged me to work for a negative split (it's in my nature to always work for a negative split) and push a bit harder.  I made sure the first 5 miles and the second 5 miles were on the same route so paces were comparable.  Melissa's comment afterwards was "Boom".  
10 miles @ 10:53 1:48:53 HR 145/169 Cadence 156
  1. 11:34
  2. 11:20
  3. 11:05
  4. 11:17
  5. 11:12
  6. 11:00
  7. 10:54
  8. 10:33
  9. 10:15
  10. 9:37

The last few weeks my long runs have been 10-11 miles...paces 11:34,11:17,11:38,12:24,11:18,11:29.  I think they were all at the rim except for that really slow run which was on a hilly course.  You can see why I'm excited to share.  And my HR and cadence were also slightly better.  Cadence actually improved in the second half this week. And the hamstring felt pretty good as well.  bounce bounce bounce

Easy 4 this morning and the legs were feeling yesterdays run but they loosened up okay.  I'll make sure I do my PT strength work this afternoon so they have a full rest day before my tempo run on Monday.

Marty and I are headed to West Yellowstone early Tuesday.  His brother's service is Wednesday morning.  We have to make a quick trip as he can't be away from the farm for to long this time of year.  I don't plan to try to squeeze in any running.  I just don't think I'll have time.  I think a short break will be good.

And life goes on...
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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  nkrichards Wed May 29, 2024 10:59 am

I have been so bad at posting here.  It's embarrassing.

So, I have two big things to share with everyone.

  1. I hit the hills and speedwork to aggressively during my recovery from the hamstring issue and ended up with mild plantar fasciitis.  I caught it early and have dialed back on the hills and faster stuff for now.  Wearing a boot at night, rolling the arch, and stretching the calves seems to be helping.
  2. I finally accepted the fact that it is not healthy for me to try to qualify for Boston 2025...the 10th anniversary of my cardiac event on Heartbreak Hill.  After discussions with my PT, cardiologist, and coach I begrudgingly agreed to seek a charity bib.  I'll be honest, I struggle with that decision even though I agree that it's the best path forward.  I reached out to Michele for advice on hotels.  I have flights and a hotel reserved (all mostly refundable).  I won't be able to secure a charity bib until after registration in September.  My hope is to join the team running for Mass General as they provided my care after my heart attack.  

So...my goals have changed a bit.  I want to bring the fun back into the run!  bounce Running

Both my PT and cardiologist are encouraging me to train for and run a marathon this Fall...but not before the September registration for Boston and not at BQ pace.  The goal is to safely train for and run the distance.  Coach Melissa is on board.  I've chosen a very low key marathon in Fresno in early November.  Then I'll be off to visit my host Mum in Australia...running when I can and returning home to train for Boston.  (This is all assuming that I am accepted to a charity team.)

I still haven't given up totally on my goal to run a BQ at some point.  But I have accepted the advice of those around me and recognize that the pressure of running a BQ by September is not physically or mentally healthy for me.  I hope I can change my mindset and communicate that new mindset to friends and family.  Running should be about a healthy lifestyle...not about fast times.  Dr. B told me this after my heart attack.  I guess I'm a slow learner.


As far as running goes...other than dialing back in response to the plantar fasciitis...I'm doing well.

I've completed some really nice 10 and 12 mile runs.  Yesterday I ran a great 4 mile progression dropping down to MP-20 seconds for the last mile relatively comfortably.  I did struggle with my speed session last week.  I could not hit the paces prescribed by coach Melissa.  I think that speed is the slowest thing (pun intended) to come back and I've never been a speedster anyway.  But overall I'm okay with where the running is right now.  

Marty and I are doing very well with our core/strength/mobility work.  We've never been this consistent and it's paying off.  We are starting to get busy on the farm and we're already getting up at 4:30 every morning so I'm not sure if we'll be able to keep it up all summer.

I've signed up for a 10K on Saturday the 8th.  I've done it a couple times.  Last year I struggled.  I'm not ready to race a 10K.  The plan is to take it easy the first mile (downhill) run the middle 4 as a tempo run...not sure about pace yet...and then take it easy going back up the hill to the finish to make sure I don't aggravate the plantar fasciitis.  The biggest challenge will be sticking to the plan and accepting this new mindset.

Until next time...
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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  nkrichards Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:05 am

I completed my 10K on the 8th.  Conquer the Canyon.

1:01:30  (@9:54)
39/103 overall
15/62 female
2/4 AG
69.63% Age grade

Not as fast as last year but I'm pretty happy with the results.  I had to bale hay for a couple hours before the race!  Laughing
What I'm most pleased about is that I stuck with the plan.  I eased into the pace...splits 10:09, 9:55, 9:47, 9:33, 9:38, @9:34 until I walked the hill as planned, and then finished @8:43.  This was kind of a test to see if I could enjoy a race without being quite so competitive.  I was tempted to run the hill but had committed to walking it to be careful with the hamstring and foot.  

I was pretty pleased when I realized that if the placing was based on the Age grade I would have been 6th overall. cheers

I was pretty sore after so I'm glad I walked the hill as planned.  My hip was giving me trouble and as suspected the PT confirmed that I was out of alignment again.  I'm learning to recognize when I get out of alignment and can add the exercises needed to correct it.  Still doing maintenance PT and strength work as recommended by the PT.  Caught the plantar fasciitis early and it seems to be under control.  Hamstring is steadily improving...not 100% yet but getting closer with time.  The hip flairs up when I'm out of alignment and run hard.  I'm learning how to deal with it.

I needed a few easy days after the race but I'm back to training...running and strength...again.  My next event is the local 10K on the 4th...Todd Beamer Memorial.  I'm on the board that puts on the race so won't have time to warm up and really concentrate on racing but I will run it.  Janice can't run as she has a torn meniscus but her husband, Chuck, wants to finish in under an hour.  It might be fun to run with him this year.

Farming is challenging this year as Marty and I find ourselves farming on our own again.  We were fortunate to find a good employee but training takes time.  Katie is moving closer and helping when time allows.  I'm ready to slow down but Marty isn't ready to retire and in all fairness to him it would not be a good time to sell out.  We've been looking for a cabin on the Metolius River for quite some time...they don't come up for sale often.  We were successful in purchasing one and closed last week.  We enjoyed a quick overnight stay last weekend.  We are both hoping that having the cabin will help us make the transition to a more relaxing lifestyle.

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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  Mark B Tue Jun 18, 2024 2:35 pm

nkrichards wrote:I completed my 10K on the 8th.  Conquer the Canyon.

1:01:30  (@9:54)
39/103 overall
15/62 female
2/4 AG
69.63% Age grade

Not as fast as last year but I'm pretty happy with the results.  I had to bale hay for a couple hours before the race!  Laughing
What I'm most pleased about is that I stuck with the plan.  I eased into the pace...splits 10:09, 9:55, 9:47, 9:33, 9:38, @9:34 until I walked the hill as planned, and then finished @8:43.  This was kind of a test to see if I could enjoy a race without being quite so competitive.  I was tempted to run the hill but had committed to walking it to be careful with the hamstring and foot.  

I was pretty pleased when I realized that if the placing was based on the Age grade I would have been 6th overall. cheers

I was pretty sore after so I'm glad I walked the hill as planned.  My hip was giving me trouble and as suspected the PT confirmed that I was out of alignment again.  I'm learning to recognize when I get out of alignment and can add the exercises needed to correct it.  Still doing maintenance PT and strength work as recommended by the PT.  Caught the plantar fasciitis early and it seems to be under control.  Hamstring is steadily improving...not 100% yet but getting closer with time.  The hip flairs up when I'm out of alignment and run hard.  I'm learning how to deal with it.

I needed a few easy days after the race but I'm back to training...running and strength...again.  My next event is the local 10K on the 4th...Todd Beamer Memorial.  I'm on the board that puts on the race so won't have time to warm up and really concentrate on racing but I will run it.  Janice can't run as she has a torn meniscus but her husband, Chuck, wants to finish in under an hour.  It might be fun to run with him this year.

Farming is challenging this year as Marty and I find ourselves farming on our own again.  We were fortunate to find a good employee but training takes time.  Katie is moving closer and helping when time allows.  I'm ready to slow down but Marty isn't ready to retire and in all fairness to him it would not be a good time to sell out.  We've been looking for a cabin on the Metolius River for quite some time...they don't come up for sale often.  We were successful in purchasing one and closed last week.  We enjoyed a quick overnight stay last weekend.  We are both hoping that having the cabin will help us make the transition to a more relaxing lifestyle.


The Metolious River goes through some gorgeous country. Share photos of your cabin when you can!
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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  ounce Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:39 pm

Gratz on the race, Nancy. How does it feel to throttle back on a race? Good that you've recognized when your hip is out of whack! I have found that self-diagnosing is the best thing for my running and walking. Wondering if an oddity is a future problem and can I re-create it?

So what's the draw to the Metolius River area? Gratz on the close!

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Resilience - Page 2 Empty Re: Resilience

Post  Michele "1L" Keane Wed Jun 19, 2024 5:36 am

Keep me posted on the Boston plans.  Not sure if I'm going to run or not since I vowed to give up marathoning (well maybe) after finishing my 6th star at London in April.   I've been struggling with a hip injury from a bike crash (as you know) and it has been a long road.   I will; however, be in Boston as I'm sure David (my BF) will run.  Looks like you are fitting it all in when you can and it will be nice to have Katie closer. Having my daughter close by in Atlanta is nice but not sure if I'll stay there now.  David and I did buy a property in Jax (where he lives) in a historic neighborhood.  The idea is to fix it up and then sell, but who knows we may move there if we are still together.  You don't get any younger in your 60s.
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