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Keeping me accountable

Peg Coover
Jim Lentz
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Keeping me accountable Empty Keeping me accountable

Post  amyjoann Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:25 am

Just like the title I am going to post all my weekly runs complete with times so I have no excuses. I am training with my daughter for her first marathon,along with that I would like to PR my marathon time of 4:36. For some reason this past year I have gotten so much slower........... a ten min. mile used to be turtle pace for me my tempo was a 9 and I could hold 8:30 easily. I am not at that speed right now and it really bothers me. I am having a hard time pushing myself to go faster . I'm the excuse queen, too tired ,too hot ,blah blah blah my favorite lately too old. We are using Hal's Intermediate 1 plan I have a 5 mile race this weekend it's part trail part road.I ran it 2 years ago at a 44 I'm really nervous to see how I do but I have to put myself out there NO MORE HIDING. any input as far as the training will be greatly appreciated.It's nice to see everyone here I love the emoticons so fun!Basketball thats for Amanda she played basketball Keeping me accountable 4044942068 thats me I wear that same headband

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Keeping me accountable Empty Re: Keeping me accountable

Post  Jim Lentz Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:09 am

You better do it, Amy Smile
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Keeping me accountable Empty Re: Keeping me accountable

Post  Julie Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:10 am

You can do it. You're not too old. I run with a man who's almost 72 and still running marathons.
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Keeping me accountable Empty Re: Keeping me accountable

Post  Peg Coover Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:16 am

Hi Amy! Glad you are here!

I run with a red bandana as a headband all the time! Keeping me accountable 4044942068
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Keeping me accountable Empty Re: Keeping me accountable

Post  Michele "1L" Keane Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:18 am

One thing that I noticed, Amy, is that marathon training without any type of "speedwork" and I include fartlek and/or pick ups in that definition, slowed me way down. I'm heading towards 50 (in January), and after I added back some speed (started with runs where I incorporated a warm up followed by 1 min @ 5k pace followed by 1 min jog for 8-10 times then back to finishing the easy run), I was amazed that the "speed" came back. My legs also started to recover better. Then I added back "striders" to the end of my easy runs, and now I'm doing the track stuff again. I've run 5Ks and 10ks this year as fast as I did 7-8 yrs ago (and not just age graded), and I'm thinking my fall race , even though I'm running NY which is not an easy course and crowded, will be faster than I ran it in 2005.

In other words, don't sell yourself short, keep up the good work and remain the awesome force that keeps your daughter out there as well. I wish my daughter ran - maybe someday as she is only 18 now.
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Post  ChasMcG Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:03 pm

Good luck with your training and keeping your daughter going. The speed will come back I promise but Michele really says it all in her post. It will come back, just keep at it. Can't wait to follow your training!

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Keeping me accountable Empty week of 7-18

Post  amyjoann Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:54 pm

Ok so I am going to try and blog once a week with my workouts. This was our 3 rd week in Hal's intermediate program I feel that this was a solid week for me .I'm not including Sunday's run I feel like that was part of last week.

Monday started rest day 0

Tues.3.5 miles didn't time it but it took a long time .We run this in a park we have lots of hills then woods then the dreaded grass in the hot sun.I really like this run we do it with a whole group of people all different paces. The faster people(not me yet:| ) wait every mile or so for us to catch up then we head on to more hills. The terrain is very challeneging for me I really hope this is going to improve my running.

Wed.my daughter and I have made this our long run day it was a step back week so we only did 6 miles overall pace 10:39 splits 10:56 ,10:55, 10:19, 10:52, 10:38, 10:12. It is a mostly flat course but there is a slight incline up on the way home.

Thurs. 5 miles 10:38pace .11:29, 10:55 , 10:41, 10:24, 9:44 this route has 2 steep hills on last mile then one 1/4 mile slight incline I was real happy with this finish:D

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Keeping me accountable Empty I ran out of room 2nd half

Post  amyjoann Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:01 pm

Friday 3 miles I tried to make this a speed workout 8:50,9:10,8:44.

Saturday had a race 5 miler first 3 miles on road last in a cornfield we are in IN for certain. My overall pace was 9;28 for the race it's faster than I have been running but.............I ran this same race 2 years ago 3 mins faster oops. splits are 8:38,8:54,9:17 then in the cornfield 10:07:x ,10:18:x .My friend I run with sometimes kicked my .............. she ran a 42ish and won a ........cowbell [email=!@#$%]!@#$%[/email] I wanted a cowbell! I didn't deserve it though I also got passed by three people that really hurt my pride:oops: . I need to remember that feeling and train harder.... any input greatly appreciated. Amanda and I are training for a Nov. marathon her 1st my 6th I would like to beat 4:36

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Keeping me accountable Empty wk.7-25

Post  amyjoann Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:46 pm

mon.3miles 9:35,9:28,9:26

tues rest

wed.11 overall 11.34 long run 11:13,11:31,11:05,10:52,10:56,11:02,11:52,12.14,12:22,11:21,12:32

thurs.3 speed work on treadmill 1mile 8:44,2-800's 4:03, 2-400's, 4-200

fri. 6 miles cross country run 10:30,12:51,12:24,15:41,14:21,11:21

Sat.5 mile trail run:shock:

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Keeping me accountable Empty Re: Keeping me accountable

Post  Mike MacLellan Mon Aug 15, 2011 1:59 pm

Nice week! That long run pace is exactly where you want it for a goal marathon time of ~4:35. Keep ticking off those miles Smile
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Keeping me accountable Empty Re: Keeping me accountable

Post  dot520 Thu Aug 18, 2011 10:06 am

If you think you're old, what am I??? NOT! Having someone else to train with can really help, you're lucky. Which marathon are you doing with your daughter? Monumental? I'll see you there if that is the case. Indianapolis in October? I'll see you there if that is the case. Smile

Are you doing the Indy Women's half in Indianapolis over labor day?
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