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The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Jeff F
Kenny B.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:11 pm

Well, after a major blow up in Chicago and a significant amount of down time due to some nagging injury issues, I've finally gotten back to some regular running the last several weeks. Nothing too crazy yet, but I'm hoping to crack the 40 mile barrier for the first time in months this week.

The tentative plan is to meet up with Crazy Kenny in Champaign and run the half marathon there. What the time goal will be at this point is completely up in the air, but if things go perfectly, I may have an outside shot at 1:30. I'm not getting my hopes up for that, because between the layoff and a few added pounds, I've got some work to do at this point.

For those who don't remember, I bailed at about 15.5 miles into the Chicago Marathon with some cramping/tightness in my quads hoping to avoid a complete meltdown and a long recovery period. I also thought I might have a hernia, which was later diagnosed as a strained/tight iliopsoas which resulted in a much more extended layoff than I thought it would. I think I've got that and my nagging piriformis problem to a manageable point right now and if I stay on it with the exercises and stretching, I should be fine.

So, with all that said, I'm going back to remedial Training with Dave-O 101 in hopes of getting back into decent shape for a solid half this spring. Hopefully I'll remain healthy and be able to put together a solid summer of training and give the BQ another shot early fall so I can run it in 2013 if I qualify.

There you have it, nothing too exciting or revolutionary, but I'm running regularly again and not feeling completely broken down, which I'll take at this point.

Last edited by mul21 on Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Nick Morris Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:32 pm

Welcome back Jim!! I am glad to hear that things are starting to feel better.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Chris M Wed Feb 01, 2012 5:24 pm

Open the 13.1 race with 2 7s. Not one second faster. Then if it is an "on" day, you'll be chasing that 1:29:59 the rest of the way. Dave demanded that I go out 10-15 seconds slower than goal pace in my goal half marathon in September and it paid off huge and that was my best lifetime race because I actually listened to him. I still failed a bit (8 seconds and 10 seconds over goal pace for those miles) but WOW what a difference it makes moving down into true race pace versus blazing the first 5K and dying. I know, way too early for that advice and Dave will give you the plan when the time comes but remember it when the time comes.

As the mid/early September plans come together for a possible BQ, let's talk logistics and maybe I'll hop in for some of it to help out if it close enough to here.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  John Kilpatrick Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:02 pm

Great news Jim, welcome back. Wish I could be a better "teammate" and maybe find a race to run somewhere, but the best I can do is root like hell for your comeback to be capped with a BQ. Good luck!!!!!

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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:10 pm

I suppose I should probably make an entry or 2 in this blog since I started it, eh?

I've had a mixed bag of training in the last month or so. From the flare ups of the hip flexor and piriformis to a minor foot thing for a week or two on to the most recent issue of some Achilles' tendinitis. The Achilles' thing has been the biggest issue by far and completely incapacitated me for three days last week after a 14 miler last Sunday. That was frustrating because I had finally cracked the 40 miles in a week barrier for the first time in forever.

I did get in 4 straight days from Thursday to Sunday logging a total of 31 miles and a long run of 12 with a fast finish in there. That combined with tonight's run, where I poached a workout from Dave, has me at least somewhat encouraged that I'm slowly but surely getting back into some semblance of shape and can maybe PR in Champaign in just under 8 weeks.

Tonight I did 8 miles total with 1 x 1 mile in 6:40, 2 x 800 in 3:16 and 3:14, and 4 x 400 in 1:35. I was pretty happy with that and even though it was on the mill, it gives me a good shot at going some where under 21:00 in the 5K I'm running this Sunday.

Hopefully I can finish this week up strong because next week will be a major crap shoot. I'm heading over to Wales to visit some friends and I'll have to try to manage to sneak some runs in between doing the tourist thing. So far on the agenda I have a round of golf on the 2010 Ryder Cup course, a trip to Stonehenge, seeing the Roman baths, and finishing it up with a trip to Dublin for St. Patrick's Day. I am absolutely jacked about this trip!
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Tue Mar 06, 2012 7:23 pm

Oh, and I'm meeting Kenny in Champaign to run the Illinois Half. I hope it's not as windy as it was last year!
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Schuey Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:17 pm

Jim hope things keep coming together for you. Sometimes we must travel down this roads to be able to achieve bigger and greater things further down the road.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Alex Kubacki Wed Mar 07, 2012 5:48 am

You'll come back stronger once you're back fully up to speed. Then you'll nail your goal.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  KathyK Wed Mar 07, 2012 6:39 am

Here's to a great training cycle for you, Jim!

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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Nick Morris Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:16 am

Keep at it Jim...things will come together and you will be back to pushing 80 miles/week before you know it.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Michele "1L" Keane Wed Mar 07, 2012 7:56 am

Keep it up, Jim. As for the achilles, I have occasional flares up but keep them pretty much at bay with lots of calf stretching.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Mark B Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:01 am

That you're able to get out there and at least start the recovery process is a great thing, Jim. It probably won't come back as quickly as you'd like, but it will come back if you let it.

Good luck!
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Mike MacLellan Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:25 am

If your body can handle it, I'd consider doing a crash-week leading up to St. Patty's Day, because God knows there's not going to be any running for a few days after that. Shots
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  ounce Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:27 am

So are your niggles related to structural defects or owner-induced events?
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Wed Mar 07, 2012 12:03 pm

ounce wrote:So are your niggles related to structural defects or owner-induced events?

I think a lot of it is related to the fact that my left leg is about a half inch shorter than my right. I think it causes all sorts of imbalances that really get pronounced when I start knocking out 50 and 60 mile weeks with regularity. And as soon as I get one thing fixed, there seems to be another that pops up because of a minor imbalance in another spot. Seems like a vicious circle, but eventually I'll get it all figured out!
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Thu Mar 08, 2012 4:52 pm

Yesterday was the day that indicates I definitely still have some work to do to get back to where I was. Between the crappy hotel treadmill in the middle of nowhere Arkansas, the little bit of fatigue from the workout the night before, and a general lack of motivation, the planned 6 mil recovery run became 4. At least I got in a few easy miles I guess.

i was up at the crack of dawn this morning, done with my training sessions at a customer by 9:00 and on the road home by 9:30. I got home a little after 3:00 and that gave me time to get out in the windy weather for a solid 10 miler before I had to go pick up the munchkin. I felt really good today and knocked it out at 8:09 pace, probably a little quicker than necessary or ideal, but it got done. Off day tomorrow, something easy Saturday and then a 5K on Sunday with hopefully legs that have a little bounce in them.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  KathyK Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:49 am

Good luck on your 5K this weekend. Any goal time in mind?

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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:04 am

KathyK wrote:Good luck on your 5K this weekend. Any goal time in mind?

I did in fact have a goal time in mind. I was looking to get anywhere under 21:00 based on the off time and general lack of fitness right now. Hit it just about on the nose. The official time was 20:50, but based on talking to people that was just a bit off. My Garmin time was 20:59 and that's about the amount of error everybody else I talked to had in comparison to the chip times.

Had a pretty solid week overall with just under 40 miles logged and a solid hard day and a longish day in there along with the race today. I hope I can get some decent runs in while I'm on vacation next week and keep the ball rolling.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  JohnP Sun Mar 11, 2012 10:51 am

20:59 is a pretty decent time given you're still coming back. Nice job Jim!
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Kenny B. Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:15 am

FYI my left leg is a bit longer than right not noticeably and I had AT issues in left leg. I found Orthodics to be working best for coupled with ART if I feel any tightness at all in calf or Achilles. Immediately I go to the chiro.

Are you planning on showing up at the half in Illinois? Please confirm so we can finalize plans when it gets closer.

Your 5k time is very good all considering. I'd take it.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:06 pm

JohnP wrote:20:59 is a pretty decent time given you're still coming back. Nice job Jim!

Thanks John! And to make you jealous, I'm playing 18 here tomorrow.


Kenny B. wrote:Jim,
FYI my left leg is a bit longer than right not noticeably and I had AT issues in left leg. I found Orthodics to be working best for coupled with ART if I feel any tightness at all in calf or Achilles. Immediately I go to the chiro.

Are you planning on showing up at the half in Illinois? Please confirm so we can finalize plans when it gets closer.

Your 5k time is very good all considering. I'd take it.

I've been able to manage it with ice, NSAIDs and rolling it with the stick I just got. I think I've got it pretty well under control but it's something I'll have to continue to monitor.

We're all set for Illinois. Room has been booked for a while and I signed up for the race a week or so ago.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Alex Kubacki Tue Mar 13, 2012 4:57 am

Nice 5K time considering where you're at. Nice time regardless.
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  Jeff F Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:19 am

So how was the golf?
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  mul21 Wed Mar 14, 2012 3:49 pm

Jeff F wrote:So how was the golf?

Awesome! Course was much, much shorter and easier than when the pros played it in 2010, but definitely still a challenge for a hacker like me. First class treatment all the way around and got some good swag, including a medallion with my name, date, and tee time on it as an official memento that I played the course. Plus, I stuck my tee shot on the green on the par 3 3rd hole and won my buddy a free round to the tune of about $160!
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The Long and Injury Riddled Road Empty Re: The Long and Injury Riddled Road

Post  John Kilpatrick Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:11 pm

Good job on the 5K Jim - it had to feel really really good to let the horses run for a bit!

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